Stilton, walnut, pomegranate and port crostini by Imran Nathoo

A crostini is essentially a small toasted bread such a ciabatta or baguette, topped with whatever you fancy really. It helps if what you put on top is delicious and exciting like my version here! This is truly Christmas in a canape!
Makes 8-10 crostini

  • 1 large baguette or ciabatta
  • 2-3 tbsp of olive oil
  • 100g stilton blue cheese – crumbled
  • 6 tbsp crème fraiche
  • 400ml of port
  • Large handful of pomegranate seeds
  • Large handful of roughly chopped walnuts


  1. Pour the port into a small sauce pan and simmer to reduce until it has reached a syrupy consistency then remove from heat immediately and allow to cool.
  2. Slice the baguette into 1-2cm thick slices, using a pastry brush coat each side with some olive oil.
  3. Transfer to a baking tray and bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees centigrade for 15 mins until the bread is now toasted and golden. Turn half way through cooking. Set aside to cool.
  4. Meanwhile combine the blue cheese with the crème fraiche. The result should a thick but spreadable mixture. Take time at this stage to really work the mixture to a smoothish consistency.
  5. Spread a generous amount of the cheese mixture on each crostini.
  6. Top each with the walnuts, pomegranate seeds then artistically drizzle the port syrup over each one
  7. Arrange on a large board or slate or similar then stand back and watch people devour this treat!
  8. Recipe can be doubled to make more.