La Pantera Launches!

Brand new Mexican inspired tequila bar opens to the public this week, and it’s right in the city centre! We went to the press launch of La Pantera on Friday and nos encantó (we loved it!).


The new bar can be found on Quay street, tucked above Sully’s Café. It did feel a little surreal and very inclusive on the night because we were led to the back of the Blue Honey bar, and up the staircase at the back to reach the upper floor. The contrast between Blue Honey’s darker style and music, to the bright vibrant La Pantera, made the whole evening more exciting.

We were greeted with the smell of freshly cooked tacos, the sound of Metallica in the air and the sight of rows and rows of tequila. Over 100 different varieties are on offer and I’m unashamed to say I made a good go at trying a few of them. A friend from Mexico City told me years ago that authentic tequila in South America is like Whiskey: it’s not meant to be necked in Live Lounge with a handful of salt then a desperate wedge of lime. Proper tequila can be sipped and enjoyed like a smooth Bourbon. I’m happy to report there are at least two or more brands of this sipping tequila available at La Pantera, with many more that I am yet to try.

Every week there is a brand new cocktail and taco menu for you to try. Made up of original recipes; the tacos can range from Hoi Sin style duck to sweet potato fillings and everything in between. The cocktails are just as delicious; this week the choices are Espresso Martinis (with chipotle, which I’m not too sure about but willing to give a go), as well as Mezcal WooWoos.


The team at La Pantera hope to hold events in the future with tasting sessions for both food and tequila, so you better watch out for those to experience the true taste of Mexico right here in the Welsh Capital.


Make sure you give them a follow on Instagram (@lapanteracardiff) to keep up to date with their ever-changing menu and give them a go if you’re up for a party on any night of the week!



Find more delicious details here: