Crafty Devil take over the taps at Small Bar with new pub – Beelzebub

Cardiff’s local brewery have secured a deal to take over at Small Bars in the heart of the city.

Rhys Watkins & Adam Edinborough are the beer loving duo who grew the Cardiff born & bred Crafty Devil Brewery from a humble home-brew shed in their back garden to Untappd’s number 1 rated brewery in Wales.

After securing £28,000 in a crowd funding campaign almost 9 months ago to open their own city centre pub, Crafty Devil have been hit with set back after set back on the site of the old Warhammer on High Street so have moved and secured Small Bar on Church Street instead.

Beelzebub will be Crafty Devil’s first city centre pub and a beacon of great beer, cider, spirits and wine. We hope it will become a haven for folks who love pubs and socialising but have become disheartened with the depressing state of the modern franchised pub.

A statement made by Small Bar has been received with mixed emotions,  they gave Beelzebub investors and followers the news that they will be handing over the keys to 17 Church Street to continue the good work they have done over the past 20 months.

When we heard of Crafty Devils issues with their potential landlord it felt like a situation that could benefit both small companies. We could step back from Cardiff, while ensuring that our team and our premises was passed on to a company who’s ethos matched our own and who could take the foundation we had laid within 17 Church St and not just match it but advance it. 

We sincerely hope that our input into the Cardiff beer scene will be felt long into the future and that you can all support Craft Devil and Beelzelbub in their new endeavor.

From us at Left Handed Giant and Small Bar, we have loved our time in the city. You have taken us to your hearts, supported us, given us many great nights and treated us like one of your own. We can’t express the thanks we have to you for our time in the city. It’s time now to pass the torch to the team at Craft Devil. We’ll be there on opening night and we look forward to raising a glass to the future of Crafty Devil, Beelzebub and the Cardiff beer scene!

We sincerely hope that our input into the Cardiff beer scene will be felt long into the future and that you can all support Craft Devil and Beelzelbub in their new endeavour.”

Read full statement –