A Funfair Has Opened Down Cardiff Bay

After an unfortunate start to the summer, the funfair normally at Cardiff Bay Beach has opened on the site of the Dr Who exhibition. It has survived cancellation and COVID just in time to catch the last few rays of sunshine this August. We went down to check it out.

The fun fair opens each day at 11am throughout August, where there will be ‘pop-up’ family amusement, offering a safe outdoor and fun experience for local families and visitors to The Bay to enjoy. There are a number of smaller family rides available, all complete with strict social distance guidelines and cleaning measures so you can have some fun in the sun with your fam, without having COVID on your mind the whole time.


We spoke to Norman Sayers who is one of the organisers who explained how they’ve dealt with this year’s current situation:

“After cancelling this year’s Cardiff Bay Beach due to Covid making it impossible to provide the main parts of the event like the Splash pool, Live entertainment and the Beach itself, we had the chance at the last minute to provide a small family Funfair on the Dr Who site for the Summer holidays…

We are treating it as a completely separate event from the Beach as there are so many elements missing from the Beach experience with no entertainment line-up unfortunately and hopefully, we will be back in Roald Dahl Plass next year with the full on Cardiff Bay Beach as usual.

We opened on Friday evening and so far, it has gone well and been well received.”


So, while the Bay Beach may not be at its full strength this year, it will continue to provide fun and safe family entertainment right up to the 31st of August. And by the sounds of it everything will be back to normal for summer 2021.

If you are down The Bay over the coming weeks to make use of the Eat Out to Help Out deal, then it is the perfect stop off to relax and feel the sand between your toes.


1 Comment

  • Charlotte , 29 August 2020

    Hi, is the fun fair open bank holiday Monday? If yes what is the closing time please?
    Thank you

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