A pop-up Quality Street Pick ‘n’ Mix personalisation station is coming to John Lewis in Cardiff

The days of fighting over the green triangle and finding the red strawberry left abandoned at the bottom of the tin soon will be a thing of the past.

Starting from next week (28 September) John Lewis will launch a new, exclusive ‘pop up’ Quality Street station in its shop where customers can create bespoke tins of the much-loved sweets

John Lewis & Partners Cardiff are launching a Quality Street ‘personalisation station’ and exclusive new sweet for Christmas.

Last year, John Lewis became the first retailer to offer customers at a few shops, a ‘pick and mix’ option to fill a tin with their three favourite sweets. This Christmas, for the first time ever, John Lewis & Partners will make Christmas dreams come true for Welsh Quality Street fans, by also offering customers the unique chance to fill a tin with any single, favourite sweet from the full selection of 13 varieties, ensuring that none are left at the bottom of a tin.

Customers will also be able to personalise their tin by replacing the word ‘Quality’ with their name or street e.g. Mary Street or Smith Street, as John Lewis extends its Quality Street tin etching service to Cardiff.

[1]In order to be able to fill a tin with one sweet customers will be asked to show their ‘my John Lewis’ loyalty card.  Customers who are not current MJL account holders will be able to sign up on the spot for free.