Plans For Another Black Lives Matter Protest Saturday 6th June

Black Lives Matter Cardiff protestors will gather outside the Stone Circle in Bute Park Saturday 6th June.

There will be another round of protests this weekend and Black Lives Matter organisers in Cardiff think the upcoming demonstrations are expected to be the largest ever seen in Cardiff, as they merge two separate protests planned on the same day.

Black Lives Matter Protest Cardiff Castle
Image Angharad Rose Arnold

Last Sunday thousands of people marched to Cardiff Castle to protest against the death of a black man restrained by police in Minneapolis, America.

Cardiff will join other cities including Newport, Caerphilly and Swansea who will see protestors taking to the streets to highlight systemic racism in the UK.

While current coronavirus lockdown guidelines prohibit gatherings of more than two households in Wales, organisers of the Cardiff protest have urged demonstrators to bring masks, signs, blankets, food and water,  and of course, must stick to social distancing 2m guidelines. 

The protest is taking place at Stone Circle from 1 pm onwards on Saturday 6th June.