Owners of Guildford Crescent have agreed to postpone their plans for demolition

Minor victory in the save Guildford Crescent campaign: The owners of Guildford Crescent have agreed to postpone their plans for demolition after a meeting with Council leader, Cllr Huw Thomas, to discuss a masterplan that the Council is developing for the area. 

The owners of Guildford Crescent have agreed to postpone their plans for demolition following a meeting with Cardiff Council leader, Cllr Huw Thomas, to discuss a masterplan that the Council is developing for the area.

It is hoped that the new plan, aimed at regenerating a swathe of the city from Churchill Way down to Bute Terrace and across to the Admiral building at the back of the St David’s Centre, would see Guildford Crescent retained, enhanced and saved for future generations.

Cllr Thomas said: “Following a constructive meeting with the landowners they have now agreed to put their demolition plans on hold while consideration is given to development opportunities in the wider area.

“During our discussions I urged the landowners to reconsider their position regarding the termination of business leases held by the current tenants of Guildford Crescent while our talks continue. While the tenancy arrangements are out of the Council’s hands, we have re-emphasised the importance of these businesses to this area and their value to the identity of the city.

“The Council is very aware of the public concern caused by the potential loss of the Madeira restaurant, The Thai House and the independent, music venue Gwdihw and we are actively working with Gwdihw to help them relocate in the city if the need arises.”

Cadw, which listed the Masonic Lodge on the Crescent in 1975, is currently undertaking an assessment to see if the rest of the buildings on the Crescent should be listed and the Council is awaiting the outcome of this exercise.

Cllr Thomas added: “The creation of a conservation area is a completely distinct matter. That decision has to be taken based on the architectural or historical significance of the area, the character or appearance of which is desirable to preserve or enhance. We are continuing to investigate the viability of such an order.

“We are committed to the protection of this important character area of the city centre. We will now take time to evaluate all options, including a conservation area. The developer’s decision to put on hold the prior approval notice gives us the time and space to do so.”