MasterChef Quarter Finalist Launches New Fast Family Food Cooking Class

What’s for dinner tonight? A question asked in a myriad of languages all around the world but the problem is the same for everyone. Add children to the situation and now the stress really sets in!


Some of us are skilled in the kitchen and some of us will never, ever trouble MasterChef, right?


Wrong. There is hope for everyone, no matter how cack-handed you think you are.

But fear not as we have the answer. Join Imran as he shares his secrets of fast family food with you! Over the last year Imran has been working on a new way to tackle the age old question of what’s for dinner tonight. Imran says ‘we became a family of four last year which was both awesome and terrifying at the same time! Food for me is more than just a source of energy; it needs to be tasty and ideally nutritious too! So I’ve worked hard at trying to come up with new ways to take some of the stress out of family cooking in a way that is relatable’.

He goes on to say ‘sometimes TV chefs make it look so easy, however the reality of having to cook a meal for the whole family in about 30 mins with both kids in melt down is something that is not often portrayed on TV. Also the ingredients need to be relatable too with consideration to prep time and basic equipment.’

Join Imran for a demo style class where he will take you through recipes, techniques and ideas that will make all the difference. During the class Imran will cover:

  • The principles of Fast Family Food.
  • Store cupboard essentials including advice on kitchen kit.
  • Techniques to make your cooking woes easier and elevate the monotony of midweek cooking.
  • Recipe inspiration.

During the demo Imran will serve up tasters which he will have made right before your eyes. The dishes will include:

  1. Imran’s signature Fish cakes with vegetarian and vegan alternatives.
  2. No stir seasonal risotto.
  3. Family friendly fool proof curry

So come join Imran for a couple of hours, pick up a few tips and have a delicious bit of food too. What’s not to like!

Date: Saturday 3rd August

Time: 10am  -12pm

Skill Level: Beginners and enthusiasts all welcome!

Tickets are priced at £20 per and can be booked here – Fast Family Food with masterChefs Imran Nathoo



You can also keep up with Imran via his Social Media – Twitter | Facebook | Instagram