How to protect your local businesses during the Corona outbreak

Unfortunately, the news of the spreading pandemic keeps rolling in, and by the looks of it, there’s no slowing down any time soon. While we are all being hit by the virus, some of those who are going to feel it the hardest are the small businesses that make Cardiff so great.

So we thought we’d put together some tips on how to care for some of our most loved places during this difficult time. All of these are suggestions, so if you’ve got any more then please feel free to add them in the comments. The most important thing is we keep sharing our experiences so that we help everyone in need.


Leave a positive review

A nice and easy one to start with, and perfect for anyone sitting around, waiting for the social isolation to end. Take some time out of your day to leave a cracking review of your favourite restaurant, venue, boutique, café, dog spa – whatever! If they put a smile on your face, then return the favour. We all vaguely understand how the internet works right? More positive reviews mean more recommendations on feeds, means more customers, means more happy people, means more positive reviews… you get the idea!


Don’t cancel your reservation. Ask for a voucher instead

Obviously, yours and others safety comes first. So if you are showing symptoms and you have a reservation then, of course, you should stay home. However, instead of just cancelling your table, perhaps consider asking for a voucher as well, so you can use it in the future. The price of your Friday night meal may be relatively small to you, but many places depend on that income to keep making your favourite dishes each week.

These places are currently selling vouchers

  • Thackeray 
  • Ty Madeira
  • Franks Hotdogs
  • Dusty Knuckle 
  • The Libertine


Follow & Share social media posts

Right, a proper easy one for everyone here. In the same vein as leaving positive reviews, if you have some time on your hands then get on the gram and send some love. Same deal, the more shares means the more views and hopefully the more customers for the gems that deserve it in the city.


Get home delivery where possible

Just because you’re stuck in on a Friday night does not mean you have to go without your weekly treat. Plenty of places now deliver, either through the main apps or using their own methods. Do a bit of research, if you’ve got a hankering for freshly baked pastries, then there’s nothing to say your local bakery has been hit by the virus. You can order in some foodie delights that will definitely liven up another gloomy day stuck indoors. Plus, let’s be honest what else are you going to spend your money on over the next few weeks?


Take advantage of discounts

To fight back against the losses that this season is unfortunately bringing, plenty of places are now offering discounts to keep customers happy. Take advantage! When the rugby was cancelled last minute there were hundreds of offers around the city for disappointed fans to enjoy, they just had to use the opportunity. Help the local stores by making the most of any discounts they offer.


Rebook your holidays through local agents

And finally, we thought since the travel agency is set to take a particular kicking, we could help them out too. So many of your holidays have been cancelled which must be devastating. Why not break through that isolation gloom by rebooking for the future, and help out your local travel agents in the process by going through them.


Remember all of these are just our top picks so please send us your suggestions for more. And above all, please look after yourselves and others during this difficult time. And don’t touch your face! No matter how itchy your nose is…