Giant Board Game Will Be Set Up In Cardiff For City Of Arcade Day

City of Arcades Day is set to revive its unique charm with the grand comeback this weekend Saturday 18th. This year, the celebration is taking on a new form as a one-day extravaganza, inviting residents and visitors alike to immerse themselves in the city’s rich cultural tapestry and experience the magic of its historic arcades.

A Human-Size Game Board Takes Center Stage

One of the many highlight of this year’s City of Arcades Day is the introduction of a colossal human-size board game that will transform Central Square into a bustling hub of activity. This innovative addition aims to bring people together through a real-life board game experience, fostering a sense of community in the heart of Cardiff. The impressive one of a kind offers a chance for people to engage in a real-life board game experience right in the heart of Cardiff. The board will be open to the public throughout the day.

unique City of Arcades board game

Boardgame-Inspired Characters and Chance Cards

Adding a touch of whimsy to the festivities, a team of special boardgame-inspired characters and gamemasters will be on hand to guide participants through the experience. These characters will distribute chance and community chest cards, adding an element of surprise and delight to the day’s proceedings.

These cards won’t just be a part of the game; they will also highlight the wonderful stores within Cardiff’s historic arcades. Each card will highlight a unique shop, encouraging participants to explore the rich tapestry of offerings within the city’s arcades.

Between 10:30 – 16:30 you will have the chance to play to win over 60 amazing prizes

Winning Big: Your Own City of Arcades Board game

As if the immersive experience wasn’t enticing enough, participants will also have the opportunity to win their very own one-of-a-kind City of Arcades boardgame. This exclusive prize s only available through the board game and on the city of Arcades day.

Rules Of Play

Suitable for teams of up to 4 people.

  1. Pick a playing piece.
  2. Each player rolls the dice and moves around the board. You get THREE rolls each.
  3. Land on a property, utility or railway station, add a prize card to your pile.
  4. Land on ‘Lose a Prize!’, we remove a prize card from your pile.
  5. Land on ‘Cardiff’s Treasure’? Get a bonus prize!
  6. Land on ‘Go to Jail’? Lose ALL your prizes and spend the rest of the game in jail!
  7. At the end of the game, each player picks one prize at random from their prize pile.

More about City of Arcades Day and the Giant Board game can be found on the City of Arcades Day Website