Free movies and sporting events at Mermaid Quay

Free early morning movies for kids including Finding Nemo and toy story as well as  films such as Jaws and Grease and ROCKY for adults. 

If that’s not enough It’s also going to be an amazing  looking summer of sport with a BIG screen in Tacoma Square at Mermaid Quay

The big screen in Tacoma Square stars from Monday 18 June to Wednesday 18 July.

Catch all the footie action from England’s first World Cup game (7pm Monday 18 June) through to final. PLUS, we’ve got a smorgasbord of tennis from Queens and Wimbledon, the Tour de France, cricket, athletics, golf, rowing, rugby, horse racing and loads of other summer sporting events.

And, there’s cult and classic movies nights and Kids Morning Movies.

Download the weekly schedules below, but do be aware that they may change – our experts will be following the action on a daily basis and making sure that the most important and exciting sport is on our screen.


Full Listing of screenings can be found below

Sporting events 

Kids Movies

Evening Films