Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World: Review

Brought to us by the producers of Six and based on the children’s book by Suffragette relative Kate Pankhurst, Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World is the latest female-powered musical to bless our theatres. It follows heroine Jade, a schoolgirl who becomes lost while on a school trip to a museum. Worried that nobody has noticed she’s missing, she sneaks into an out-of-bounds exhibition titled ‘The Gallery of Greatness’. Jade quickly discovers that this exhibition is unlike any other; in this one, the historical figures come to life! Along the way, we meet an abundance of incredible women from throughout history who are famous for paving a stronger future for women as we know it today.

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However, this musical isn’t just about re-telling history, it’s a deep dive into what it means to be a woman. Jade is a character who is very uncertain of her identity and where she fits into the world as a woman; the people that she meets along the way in this story help her to understand how to find the womanhood within herself. They emphasise that, despite their glowing reputation, these women of history still fought a battle, and that it wasn’t always as easy as it seems. They help her to realise that she doesn’t have to do extraordinary things to make a difference in the world. That women have made great progress in fighting for their rights, but we still have a long way to go. There are so many important messages in this show, and they’re all so brilliantly put into a story that is easy for any age to follow. It’s funny and it’s playful but it also handles sensitive topics with grace.

I must be honest, I cried so much during this show. At the time, I didn’t know what it was about it that made me feel so emotional. After all, it’s a show based on a children’s book, so why am I, a fully grown adult, crying? I later reflected and realised it’s because this story was missing from my childhood. It’s all the things that I should have heard as a young girl but didn’t learn until later in life. It made me think just how important it is for shows like this to exist, so that young people all over can learn about life’s important topics. Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World is age rated 7+, so it’s a perfect family trip out. It brought me joy to see lots of young girls leaving the auditorium with smiles from ear-to-ear.

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Let’s also not forget that this is a musical, so it’s filled with some cracking numbers, all sung and played by a group of very talented women. Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World is the show that we all need to see, and we need to be shouting from the rooftops about it. It’s in the Wales Millennium Centre from now until Sunday 21st January, so you don’t have too long to catch it before it’s gone! Read more and grab your tickets here: