A zip wire running across Cardiff Bay has been planned for this summer, are you brave enough ?

No, this is not a very late April fools joke – Cardiff local and visitors to Cardiff Bay will soon be able zip-line across the water.

Two zip lines would run from St David’s Hotel 150ft high and along a 1,180ft-long wire to the Norwegian Church if Cardiff Council accept plans put in by The City Zip Company, which is behind the application.


The attraction is set to accommodate an estimated total of 65,000during the operational dates July to January and will accommodate 48 people per hour, zipping across the waterfront at Cardiff Bay.

Adrenalin Junkies would launch themselves off the top of the hotel and along a 1,180ft-long wire down to the waterfront to the Norwegian church.


A planning application says:  “The zip wire will start from a temporary, purpose-built platform on the roof of the St David’s hotel.

“Two zip wires will take riders on a fast aerial journey over 350m to land on a 12m platform in Britannia Park – at an exciting but safe gradient of 7.5%.

“From the launch platform and throughout the flight, riders enjoy unique views of the location and much of the Cardiff skyline.

“Visitors will enjoy watching the event and the hotel should benefit from friends and family or riders using the hotel for accommodation and refreshments.”



Riders travel at 50kmph (31mph), with views of the 360 views across the bay and down towards the city and out towards the Bristol channel

The new attraction will run alongside the new planned inflatable  water park towards the Plaza area and skatepark waterline.


The attraction is planned to start construction in June, and open on 9th July. It plans to open between 11:30 and 19:30 every day through the summer, and on weekends for the rest of the year.