Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘The 39 Steps’ in Cardiff

A story that you know and love, written by John Buchan and famously adapted to the screen by Alfred Hitchcock, has taken to the stage. The 39 Steps has arrived at the New Theatre in Cardiff and it promises ‘100 Hilarious Minutes’ with just 4 actors playing 139 different characters; it’s a side-splitting night out that you don’t want to miss. This Patrick Barlow adaptation of Hitchcock’s classic spy thriller is Olivier and Tony award winning, and it’s easy to see why. We follow hero Richard Hannay as he encounters murders, double-crossing agents, and so much pandemonium as he is falsely accused of a murder after accidentally becoming involved in a government secret.

The 39 Steps has proven to be a timeless classic from Buchan’s original writing in 1915 and Hitchcock’s adaptation in the 1930’s; it’s great to see a piece like this still has audiences gripped to this day! You’ll notice the tagline of the show brags that only 4 characters take on the mammoth task of playing 139 characters, which they did so brilliantly. Barlow’s stage adaptation of this show is unapologetically theatrical in the sense that the audience are made aware of the fact that it’s theatre and we are invited to use our imaginations. This allows the actors to successfully transition between characters with a simple hat change or by twisting into a different angle, which adds to the overall humour of the show. There are moments when the actors even break out of character to acknowledge that they’re on the stage. It’s superb acting by all 4 involved, they make it look so effortless, but it’s definitely not easy to do such a thing while keeping the audience on your side.  

I wasn’t sure what to expect from this show, I feel that sometimes there is a fine line between funny and cringe. However, the creative team have absolutely nailed it. It was unapologetically cheesy, which is what made it so funny. The writing and the clever staging has the ability to laugh at itself, which in turn makes us as an audience chuckle. I’ve always said that British humour is the best, a kind of humour that no other nationality could ever properly match, and stories like Barlow’s The 39 Steps proves exactly why I’m right in thinking that. We really enjoyed our night out watching this; it was silly and wholesome.

When you go along, I recommend getting a programme for the show as well. It features an interview with stage adaptor Patrick Barlow and it’s really insightful into his process behind taking such a classic text and making it work on the stage, as well as a delve into the life of original writer John Buchan.

The 39 Steps is in the New Theatre in Cardiff until this Saturday 27th April. It’s a night out that will have your cheeks hurting with laughter, don’t miss out! You can find out more and get your tickets here: