Weezer and Smashing Pumpkins Rock Cardiff Castle

Depot Live Summer sessions Kick off with two  90s favourites to a sold out crowd

Cardiff Castle was the backdrop for a nostalgic Gen X feast as Weezer and Smashing Pumpkins shared the stage on a drizzly Friday afternoon. Despite the slightly soggy conditions, the spirit of the crowd remained unbroken, and the performances were nothing short of electrifying.

Weezer getting the crowd going at Cardiff Castle

Weezer kicked off the show with a burst of energy, diving straight into their arsenal of classics. With the audience shaking off the damp Welsh air, Rivers Cuomo took it upon himself to warm things up, trading California sunshine for a set brimming with hits like “Buddy Holly,” “Say It Ain’t So,” and “Beverly Hills.” Cuomo’s banter about the chilly weather and the castle’s unique charm struck a chord, bringing a touch of humor and warmth to the otherwise wet evening. The band’s infectious, upbeat vibe was exactly what the crowd needed, transforming rain-soaked discomfort into a full-blown sing-along party.

As the skies cleared, the Smashing Pumpkins took the stage, ready to dive deep into their rich and varied discography. With their setlist spanning a remarkable 10 albums, Billy Corgan and his bandmates showcased the full spectrum of their sound: from the heavy riffs of “Cherub Rock” to the dreamy melodies of “1979” and the grandiose “Tonight, Tonight.”

Their performance of tracks from their recent album ATUM was a reminder of their ongoing evolution, standing in contrast to Weezer’s more nostalgia-driven approach. Where Weezer’s retro charm got the crowd moving, the Pumpkins’ dynamic and often intense delivery had them roaring with excitement, especially during iconic anthems from Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness.

In the end, the evening felt like a rollercoaster of emotions, with Weezer’s lively, carefree set complementing Smashing Pumpkins’ emotionally charged, genre-hopping performance. This double-headline show wasn’t just a trip down memory lane but a vivid testament to the lasting power and versatility of two bands that defined a generation.


  • Weezer: Delivered fan favourites with infectious energy, turning rain into a reason to dance.
  • Smashing Pumpkins: Showcased a masterful range of styles, proving their enduring relevance and depth.

Cardiff Castle may have been damp, but the spirits and sounds of this unforgettable evening were anything but.


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