The Blood Moon is coming back and it could be the end of the world!

The amazing natural phenomenon that is the ‘blood moon’ is set to return next month, and apparently it will also be the end of the world ……. No biggie

Do you want the good news or the bad news? The good news is that a stunning ‘blood moon’ is set to appear in our skies on 27th July.

It will be the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century, lasting one hour and forty-three minutes. The moon will turn either a deep red or a reddish brown. Not the sort of thing you want to miss if you can help it, this is a once in a lifetime event.

The bad news? Unfortunately, according to some conspiracy theorists the blood moon will signal the beginning of the end of world. Well, at least we’ll be going out on a high. Here at It’s On we remain confident that Cardiff and the rest of the world will still be here come 28th July. In the meantime we’re very excited for the unique spectacle of the blood moon. Get your cameras at the ready!